With two Tale of the Tapes written and essentially gutted by cancellations this season, I went round and round about writing one or not writing one. I know that for many, this is one of the biggest pieces of the football season but on the other side, it also takes several hours to write (if done well) and is not an easy undertaking.

Well, once it was announced on Tuesday that football activities would resume at the WHAC, I decided to make a compromise. We don't know what Friday or Saturday may look like, but there is still reason to write one. But instead of doing seven segments (three on offense, three on defense and one for special teams) I decided that I would combine each section down to one segment and go from there.

Because if we are being honest with ourselves, do we really know who is going to play? We have heard this name or that name mentioned as someone who would not have been able to go against Illinois and if they couldn't go there, they can't go here. But we also are not going to be out there putting health information that the school doesn't want out there, out there.

We do know that Ryan Day won't be a go as he is still in isolation after his positive test, as the university has confirmed that, so it will be Larry Johnson leading the team on game day, but with meetings still being done remotely, Day will be working hard from his isolation, even if he is not there leading the team out onto the field, if the game does happen to play.

This series overall has not been the same one as the one that was giving Urban Meyer fits, at least in terms of anyone being able to get to Meyer, with two losses to Mark Dantonio's Spartans (there was a 2011 loss when Luke Fickell was the head coach as well mixed in there).

Since Michigan State's last win in this series, the Spartans have scored a combined 35 points over the last four games. Ohio State on the other hand has scored a combined 125 points per game, or just around 31 points, per game.

So yes, it has been lopsided.

Don't discount the fact that the Spartans have pulled out two big wins this season as part of their 2-3 record with huge upsets of Michigan and Northwestern, but will that really matter here?

Probably not.

Let's go to the Tale of the Tape, in short(er) form to look at some numbers and pray that both teams are able to take the field and compete against each other on Saturday.