Published Oct 2, 2020
BIA Ep. 49 – Analyzing the class with Andy Anders
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Kevin Noon  •  DottingTheEyes
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While the dead period continues to stretch into the 2021 calendar year, the Ohio State football recruiting class for 2021 are working on putting their own function together, even if they can’t go to an Ohio State game, meet with the coaches or really do anything remotely tied into the program.

This has proven to be a special class for Ohio State and the nation’s No. 2 recruiting class according to the has 19 very unique and different players within its ranks and that number should be growing here in the very near future.

In this edition of the BIA Podcast (BuckeyeGrove Instant Access) Kevin Noon and Andy Anders sit down to talk about several of the key players in this class as Andy breaks down their tape and gives his own insights into what makes each of these players among the best at their position in the entire nation.

Who is the player that is not getting talked about enough? What makes Jack Sawyer so special? Do we have Reid Carrico underrated? Who could be the quarterback of the future under Ryan Day within this Ohio State program?

All of that and a whole lot more in this edition of the BIA Podcast, be sure to give it a listen and subscribe either at SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, YouTube or wherever you find all of your favorite podcasts and be sure to never miss a show as we have now completed our move to airing three shows per week.